The Intention of My Blog

Welcome, my beloved readers!

In case you're wondering, it's not a typo up there for you see the definition of goodly is:

used as an adjective to describe something
1. of ample or good size, ex: a goodly amount.
2. of a fine appearance, ex: a goodly young man.
3. Archaic. of good quality, ex: a goodly gift.

I am a mother who home educates her children; I would be pleased if you'd look around. You never know if I might have something to your liking. I've blogged about different topics. I hope you enjoy your stay here. May God bless you with peace, a renewing of your mind, and rest as you read my posts.

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Thanks to all for your patience as I have been on the mend. I had double heart bypass surgery in February of 2013, and I needed to focus on my recovery, which has been in steady progress. Thanks for your kind consideration.

Thanks for visiting!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Healthy Snack Alternatives

Hubby bought me this cake for Mother's Day.
Before I start on today's blog entry, I want to say a little bit about my health condition.  When I am struck with inflammation, I become limited in my mobility.  That leads me to not be able to exercise as I would like.  That's why I am having to discontinue my exercising for the duration that my pain exists.  I will pick up the exercising again as soon as my heath gets better.

The cake I love so much is processed food--not good.

Now that my update has been given, I want to tell you about some plans.  I will start a fast of sorts beginning this Wednesday.  I am hoping to stay away from soda and salty snacks like potato chips.  I am wanting to detox from all the chemicals of processed foods.  I am also wanting to sacrifice the cravings to draw closer to God.

To that end, I present a few healthier snacks that have worked for me.  I hope to keep incorporating these kind of healthy snacks into my life.  My children need me to eat healthier.  I want to be around for them for as long as possible.  They also need these better alternatives.
These cereals can be put into snack bags and eaten without guilt.
I am a big fan of snack bags.  I measure a cup of healthy cereal, like Kashi Cinnamon Harvest and/or plain Cheerios.  I pour the cup into the baggie.  The amount is just right as a single serving.  Once I've eaten all of the cereal in the bag, I am full and do not overeat.
This is a great combo of fruit and cereal.
Here's a wonderful alternative.  I should have included the milk in this picture.  Anyway, you can eat bran cereal and real strawberries with milk.  You can also use bananas.  Bran cereal is a healthier alternative to the sugar-laden cereals and adding the fruit can give you the sweetness you still crave.

A healthy snack to take along in a trip.
Finally, here is a pre-packaged alternative to the sugary snacks-Mott's fruit sauces.  I personally like the Granny Smith apple variety.  My children like the blueberry-flavored sauce.  It says on the label that no sugar has been added to these.  I like that these are individually wrapped and that I can reuse the cups for other projects like seed planting.
Well, I hope that you will continue to pray for me as I work on my health.  I remain optimistic that I can regain my good health.  I will keep praying to God.  I am trusting Him to help me with my health.  I will keep you all updated as to what can be done to squelch the inflammation because I know that many suffer with it, often unknowingly.

How about you, my readers?  Do you snack?  Are you selecting the right snacks?  I hope so.  I pray that you seek out the best snacks for the sake of your health.  The children in your life are also depending on you to choose the best snacks for them, too.

May God bless you all with His wisdom and peace.  

This is an entry for Medical Mondays.  For past entries, click here.
Disclaimer: The viewpoints that I discussed here are just my opinions.  Please consult your physician before altering anything relating to your health.  I am only suggesting here to take charge of your health.  Don't just leave your health in the hands of your doctors; become your own advocate.  You know best how your body is doing.


  1. Aw, Rebecca. This is so sweet a reminder for us parents to give the best food and meals to the little ones. My eldest, soon turning 17, grew up on homecooked snacks and I'm assured of their nutritional value. The ten-year-old loves 'em but not as much. He's more used to ice cream and fast food. And finally, the soon-to-be four year old rascal, that little one just loves bananas! He could eat two before breakfast and eat around four more the rest of the day for snacks. He prefers them bananas and other fruits over pastries and all else. But he does have one strange affinity for yogurt. Monstrous eater of yogurt, we call him. Oh, my boys. They're just so fun to watch eating snacks!

  2. Ruzanne,

    Thanks for your comments. I appreciate them. I, too, have kids that eat different things.

    My oldest daughter likes to eat hot fries. My youngest daughter likes Gogurt. My oldest child loves eating bread and suffers breakouts on his face all the time. Can't get him off the bread. My youngest boy will eat not eat chicken on a bone or beef tacos.

    I have been fortunate to get my husband to eat healthier. I'm grateful for that.

    Rebecca G.


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