The Intention of My Blog

Welcome, my beloved readers!

In case you're wondering, it's not a typo up there for you see the definition of goodly is:

used as an adjective to describe something
1. of ample or good size, ex: a goodly amount.
2. of a fine appearance, ex: a goodly young man.
3. Archaic. of good quality, ex: a goodly gift.

I am a mother who home educates her children; I would be pleased if you'd look around. You never know if I might have something to your liking. I've blogged about different topics. I hope you enjoy your stay here. May God bless you with peace, a renewing of your mind, and rest as you read my posts.

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Thanks to all for your patience as I have been on the mend. I had double heart bypass surgery in February of 2013, and I needed to focus on my recovery, which has been in steady progress. Thanks for your kind consideration.

Thanks for visiting!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Cleaning Challenge Update First Week--Kitchen

Homemakers Challenge - 31 Days to Clean

Update on the 31 Days to Clean Challenge: Days 1-5

My white, smallish kitchen

Day 1

I read this first chapter and became so encouraged.  I worked in my utility room.  I started off on the right track.  I hope to show pictures on another blog entry.

My mission statement about cleanliness is the following:

I want efficiency. 
I want a well-run household, as if I weren't around.
Time management is necessary to fit in all the necessary activities of family life. 
An organized home brings harmony to the family. 
The mess one makes is the mess one cleans up.

Day 2

Before picture of freezer
After picture of freezer

Before picture of freezer door
After picture of freezer door

Hubby and I had worked on the freezer in late April.  We had bought plastic containers to house the food instead of bags because we couldn't see what we had in there.  As for the bottom of the refrigerator, my two teens and I spent about 2 hours cleaning it.  It was a big effort, but we did it.  I feel a deep sense of accomplishment.

Before picture of inside refrigerator
Before picture of yucky refrigerator
 I didn't even know all those racks could be removed!

Inside of refrigerator scrubbed clean

Inside of refrigerator filled in
I switched two shelves around.  I used a homemade laundry detergent to scrub the gunk.  By the way, the gunk is build up of too many years.  Can you tell that I never addressed it before?  Didn't know I could do so much in there; daughter said two people could fit in the empty refrigerator.

Before picture of refrigerator door with food
Before picture of refrigerator door without food
After picture of refrigerator door cleaned
After picture of food on refrigerator door

I had to think about how to bring harmony into my family.  I believe that if I play Christian music, specifically worship music, my family will have a deeper sense of peace.  The kids have let me know that I get mad when I don't get my way.  Peaceful music can help calm me down.

Day 3

Before picture of top of refrigerator
Closeup picture of top of refrigerator
Tools I had to use to clean the top of refrigerator

I'm short.  I had to use a stool to reach the top of the refrigerator.  I still could not reach the back of the top of the refrigerator.  I had to use the Swiffer-like stick and attach a double sided rag.  I used the homemade detergent which helped scrub the gunk off the cooler portion of the refrigerator.

After picture of top of refrigerator now clean

I did not just dust the top of the refrigerator, I had to scrub it.  It was too wide to reach to the back so I used the Swiffer and attached a rag to reach the back.  I had homemade detergent that was tough enough to scrape the gunk.

White cabinets needed scrubbing

I then cleaned the doors to the white cabinets in my kitchen.  I had to do some major scrubbing.  Again, my homemade laundry detergent came to the rescue.  I had poured some into a spray bottle.  I even mopped the floor in my small kitchen, using that laundry detergent. 

I did not clean the actual drawers and inside the cabinets.  I ran out of time and was already feeling sick.  I had already moved things around in my cabinets.  I do not know if I will be able to catch up on this day.  Might have to leave that for another month.

My family couldn't really give me any positive comments about how they feel when I care for the home.  My kids have told me in the past that they don't like it when I move things around often.  My house is small, and I often have to figure out if things are working in the home, especially since we homeschool.
Day 4

With my skin condition flaring up, I felt too sick to clean.  I had to take the day off.  Thursday is not a good day to invite people over because of school and/or work schedules.  Perhaps the weekend may yield something better.  I will have to see how my health holds up.

I did not clean my oven and microwave.  The microwave is not hard to clean.  I often have my oldest clean it.  That is not a problem.  I hope to get to that in the weekend if I feel better.
Day 5

In April, I had changed out the curtains in the kitchen.  Will only have to clean the windows.  Don't know if I will get to them today.  I will try to catch up on the weekend.  I need to continue to rest to recuperated.

As for my list of priorities, here they are, with my sense of progress:

1. God--I blog to share the gospel for others and my children to read.

Progress--I have continued to blog on Sundays and Wednesdays about spiritual matter.

2. My husband--I want my husband to come home to a clean home.  He works so hard to provide us the house.  I should make sure it feels homey.

Progress--I think we need to go on dates.  We need to reconnect.  Now that my oldest is of age to care for the children, we are able to go to the stores on our own.
3. My children--I homeschool them.  I need to find their materials quickly as they finish their work.

Progress--My children are doing well in their work.  I will need to assess what has been finished and what still needs doing.

4. My own growth--I am taking a writing course and blogging.  Writing is a big outlet for my emotional health.  My writing is getting better.  I have grown so much.

Progress--I am writing so I can sharpen my skill.  I have been writing and know that I have improved.

5. Our health--exercise and eat better.  I want to get healthier.  Blogging is helping me document my efforts.  Our diet must include better alternatives.  Gardening helps. 

Progress--I suffered a setback.  I need to change what I am eating.  Hopefully, if I eat anti-inflammatory foods, my health will improve.

In conclusion, I started cleaning with much motivation.  Then, I suffered a health setback.  I am not going to stress about falling behind.  I cannot be hard on myself.  I will catch up when I can.

Thanks for reading this entry (update) and viewing the pictures.  
I hope you were inspired by it.

How about you, my readers?  Have you taken on this challenge like I have?  Are you deep cleaning your homes?  I hope you will try to do the cleaning piecemeal.  The link above leads to an Ebook which can be helpful in prioritizing and breaking down the cleaning.  I encourage you to click on the link if you need more help.

May God bless you all with His wisdom and peace.

This entry has been part of the Family Fun Fridays series. 

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