The Intention of My Blog

Welcome, my beloved readers!

In case you're wondering, it's not a typo up there for you see the definition of goodly is:

used as an adjective to describe something
1. of ample or good size, ex: a goodly amount.
2. of a fine appearance, ex: a goodly young man.
3. Archaic. of good quality, ex: a goodly gift.

I am a mother who home educates her children; I would be pleased if you'd look around. You never know if I might have something to your liking. I've blogged about different topics. I hope you enjoy your stay here. May God bless you with peace, a renewing of your mind, and rest as you read my posts.

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Thanks to all for your patience as I have been on the mend. I had double heart bypass surgery in February of 2013, and I needed to focus on my recovery, which has been in steady progress. Thanks for your kind consideration.

Thanks for visiting!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Accept God's Mercy

God's Word shows his mercy for everyone.

15 Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners--of whom I am the worst.  
16 But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his unlimited patience as an example for those who would believe on him and receive eternal life.

17 Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever. Amen.
1 Timothy 1:15-17 NIV
This Bible verse that I have chosen for today has come via another track of thought.  I was compelled to read the whole chapter and preferred to ponder a little more on this portion of 1 Timothy chapter 1.  I think it is of a timely nature to be brought to this spectacular set of words.  We are so close to Resurrection Sunday or Easter as some call it.  Whatever the case may be, I think we Christians understand that Jesus did a wonderful thing for us all.

We have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.  This means, for those who do not fully understand or know, that none of us are perfect.  We do bad things.  We might not want to be bad.  We might not understand that we are bad, but we have the tendency to do or think bad things.

Does that mean that God doesn't love us?  No.  He is merciful.  He's forgiving.  God is slow at getting angry, just like a loving, patient father would.  

We can get close to the God.

Lest you, my wonderful readers, think that I think I am better than anyone else, I am here to tell you that I am like Paul.  I am the worst of sinners.  I have bad thoughts.  I don't act on them, but I can think just as badly as the worst of people.  Am I to be condemned?

God is willing to forgive our sin.

No.  Paul (who's traveled everywhere to speak about Jesus) tells Timothy, his young helper, that Jesus showed mercy to Paul.  Paul is an example of Jesus' patience.  Look, if Jesus could forgive Paul for persecuting or treating the early Christians so horribly, it is possible for you and me to be forgiven of our worse sins.  Isn't that comforting?

Jesus made it possible for us to live with God, the Father.  

If God shows his love for Paul and me, in that He has chosen to forgive us, that should give everyone hope.  I pray that you, my readers, understand that God's love is so deep and wide.  We must understand that God wants us to trust Him.  He wants us to have eternal (forever) life with Him.  Isn't that awesome?!

My readers, are any of you wondering if you are good enough for God's love?  Do you feel that you have sinned too much?  No.  My friends, please turn to Him today and confess your sin to Him in prayer.  Then, accept His mercy.

God loves you so much.
God wants you to turn away from your sin.  
He wants you to live with Him. 

I pray that God gives you all, my beloveds, His wisdom and peace. 

This has been an entry for the Spiritual Sundays series.  Please think on this message as we near Resurrection Sunday and/or Easter.

To compile this mini- bible study, I visited:

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