The Intention of My Blog

Welcome, my beloved readers!

In case you're wondering, it's not a typo up there for you see the definition of goodly is:

used as an adjective to describe something
1. of ample or good size, ex: a goodly amount.
2. of a fine appearance, ex: a goodly young man.
3. Archaic. of good quality, ex: a goodly gift.

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Thanks to all for your patience as I have been on the mend. I had double heart bypass surgery in February of 2013, and I needed to focus on my recovery, which has been in steady progress. Thanks for your kind consideration.

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Thursday, June 16, 2011

How to Make a Dry Erase Binder Using Workbooks

Binder that teaches about money

When I started homeschooling, I heard that teaching children through the use of wipe off books could be beneficial.  Eye-hand coordination through the use of hands on materials can help children hone their writing skills.  I could not afford and/or find these types of  books that I needed for my kids.  I decided to make the books.  Fellow homeschooling moms recommended how to make them.

I made binders for the following subjects:

Place Value,
Geometry and Patterns,
Science, and

Inside of Binder with currency amounts divided with stick-it notes

This is a sample of my binders, using the concept of money.  The above picture shows how I further subdivided the topic of money.  I found worksheets from different workbooks on the topic of money.  I made sure that, under the topic of pennies, only pennies would be covered.  I did the same thing for nickels, dimes, quarters, half dollars, and then the dollar denominations.

Money workbook

It's okay to use a math workbook like the one above.  I just don't like that it thrusts a child into covering all the coins at once.  I think it should be gradual.  That's why I prefer to teach the child through a concrete manner to coincide with learning the concept of counting to one hundred.  After all, children need to count by 1's, 5's, and 10's, which will help later with multiplication.

Box of sheet protectors
Individual sheet protector

Here's how to make your own subject binder: Buy sheet protectors and cheap binders.  Get your desired workbooks and tear them up from the spine.  Then, organize the pages according to how you want to present the information to your children.  Slide the individual sheets, sometimes back to back if necessary.  Don't be afraid if you "lose" a page of a workbooks; as long as you are covering the content, it is okay to go without one or two pages.

Individual sheet slipped into sheet protector

Manipulatives for money placed in the back of binder

To solidify the learning of money concepts, manipulatives added to the binder is a perfect idea.  If the binder has no pockets or small pockets, you can use a gallon size baggie.  Punch holes into the baggie and slide into the back of the binder.  That way the manipulatives stay with the binder.  The child can take the binder to the sofa or his/her desk.

Wanted pennies to be covered first

More about pennies...

And more on pennies

The three pictures above show worksheets covering "pennies," sometimes found online, and printed them out.  It is wonderful that I have the internet to cover concepts using "free resources."  I took the time and effort to print these worksheets because I knew I could use them with all four of my kids.  Yes, I used these binders with my oldest, who is now 15.  For me, it has been worth allowing my kids to reuse these binders, saving me time and effort in the future.

Dry erase markers to fill out binder

I have bought dry erase markers, with low odor.  Also, different colors for variety help the children customize their learning.  The eye-hand coordination involved in marking the binders is helpful, especially as they are learning how to write.  That's the beauty of using the dry erase markers--a child can erase and start over again.  All four of my children have used at least some of the binders.

Ingredients to clean dry erase binder

When the binders need to be cleaned, it is easy.  Grab some wipees and baking soda (for hard to remove stains).  Once the sheet protectors are cleaned, use the paper napkins, like the ones below, or paper towels to dry them.  The binder will be ready for the next child. 

To dry the cleaned sheet protectors

Cleaned up even after four years
My youngest, Kaelyn, was recently ready to learn about money.  I sought out this green binder.  I opened it and found it needed cleaning.  I worried because it had not been cleaned since about four or five years ago.  When I tried the above method to clean the sheet protectors, it worked wonderfully.
Well, thanks for reading this entry and viewing these pictures.  I hope I've given you an idea for teaching money, one of the first math concepts for the elementary grades.

How about you, my readers?  How have you taught math?  Have you ever considered using wipe off books to teach early childhood learning concepts?  Your children can benefit from using a hands on method to learn.

May God bless you all with His wisdom and peace, as you teach your children.

This has been an entry for Thorough Thursdays.  Hope you liked it.

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