The Intention of My Blog

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In case you're wondering, it's not a typo up there for you see the definition of goodly is:

used as an adjective to describe something
1. of ample or good size, ex: a goodly amount.
2. of a fine appearance, ex: a goodly young man.
3. Archaic. of good quality, ex: a goodly gift.

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Saturday, August 13, 2011

How to Make Beef Tacos

Beef taco dinner

By now you probably know that I love tacos.  They are easy to make.  They are easy to eat.  They are easy to serve to the family.  You can add extras or leave out ingredients to your tacos.  Today, I want to show how I make our tacos.

Ground beef we sometimes use
Browned ground beef

First, we brown the ground beef.  We use a bean smasher to break up the big pieces.  That's just something I came up with.

Spices added to browned beef
Delicious taco meat

You can use taco seasoning from a package, either from the Old El Paso package (pictured below) or you can add your own spices of: cumin, black pepper, and onion salt.  Also, to stretch the meat, you can add half a can of diced tomatoes.

Once you have your taco meat going, you can decide what your meat will go into.  You can use the taco shells like the ones below or use softened corn tortillas.  You could even use flour tortillas, but I don't use those too much because they are fattening and hard to digest.  Also, flour tortillas are not friends to diabetics.

Old El Paso Taco Dinner Kit

If you will be using taco shells, preheat oven at recommended setting.  Then, find some cookie sheets and cover with aluminum foil.  Aluminum foil is perfect to cover those old, ugly cookie sheets.  Also, the heat will warm the shells more efficiently.

Cookie sheet for taco shells
Taco shell on wrapped cookie sheet

Make sure to time these taco shells!  You don't want burnt shells.

If you want to make soft beef tacos, then you can use some corn tortillas and lightly fry them with coconut or olive oil.  I personally like olive oil.  You can use two spatulas to slowly flip the tortillas.  You don't want to splash the oil and cause a grease fire.

Simple ingredients for softening corn tortillas
Olive oil in pan ready for corn tortillas

Let olive oil warm up.  Heat does not have to be super high.  I usually like mine at about a 4 out of 10.

Old plate used to catch the softened corn tortillas
Plate covered with paper towels

Cover the plate with paper towels.  The paper towels will catch the extra oil.  Just place your softened corn tortillas (like those I've used in my Easy Cheese Enchilada Casserole) over the paper towels.  

Now, you are ready to add your meat to make whichever taco.  You can sprinkle: cheese; your choice of greens, like lettuce or spinach; tomatoes; avocado; and sour cream.  For sides, you can have beans and Mexican rice (or fideo, also known as vermicelli; elbows; and shells).

Well, thanks for reading about how to make beef tacos.  I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it up.
What about you, my readers? Do you like beef tacos? What would you add or subtract from beef tacos?  Tacos are versatile.  They are truly delicious.  My family love beef tacos.

May God bless you with His peace and wisdom, my beloveds.

This has been an entry for Saturday Spreads. I hope you enjoyed it!

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