The Intention of My Blog

Welcome, my beloved readers!

In case you're wondering, it's not a typo up there for you see the definition of goodly is:

used as an adjective to describe something
1. of ample or good size, ex: a goodly amount.
2. of a fine appearance, ex: a goodly young man.
3. Archaic. of good quality, ex: a goodly gift.

I am a mother who home educates her children; I would be pleased if you'd look around. You never know if I might have something to your liking. I've blogged about different topics. I hope you enjoy your stay here. May God bless you with peace, a renewing of your mind, and rest as you read my posts.

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Thanks to all for your patience as I have been on the mend. I had double heart bypass surgery in February of 2013, and I needed to focus on my recovery, which has been in steady progress. Thanks for your kind consideration.

Thanks for visiting!

Friday, July 15, 2011

No Takeout Challenge Update #2

I shopped in the freezer section of my house.

The No Takeout Challenge that I started this month has been that--a challenge.  It's an exciting time for me.  Little by little, I have done away with certain junkfoods in my life this year.  I have stayed away from potato chips and soda for over two months.  It has been by choice because I have determined to get healthier.

Unfortunately, and I have to be honest here, I don't feel healthy.  I have been suffering with pain.  Yes, I have to go to the doctor, and I will.  I wish I could truly enjoy this challenge.  I am now also dropping down to one juice drink per day; the rest of the time, I drink mostly water, except for the occasional tea or coffee.

The results:

On Monday, I posted Moderation to Aid Health.  In it, I explained about the need to portion out snacks and cereal.  I did that for several reasons.  For one, I wanted for my kids to stop over-eating junk food.  I also wanted the snacks and cereal to last longer.  Guess what?  It worked!

Another thing I did was shop inside my freezer.  We had eaten beef stew last month and placed the leftovers in the freezer.  We ate the leftovers yesterday.  I also used some former chicken soup for chicken soft tacos.  I simply added taco meat powder to spice it up.

We also made our desserts.  I made some pudding pies, which I will post about this Saturday.  My son also made his Nestle cookies.  I had to make sure that we didn't need to go out of the house to buy donuts.  I hope to make healthier desserts soon, but I am proud of our baby steps.

We have managed to stay away from buying takeout for two weeks so far.  My hubby did buy me some peanut M&Ms at the convenience store this week.  We talked yesterday about our shopping list.  He said if we could buy a large bag of the M&Ms for me.  

My teen daughter asked if maybe we should buy the big bag of little serving sizes of the M&Ms.  I responded that I can eat quite a few of those little bags in one sitting.  I think it's also more expensive to buy the bag that way. To be realistic, I don't need more junk food, but my hubby is the one who wants to buy them for me.  Sometimes, I think he wants me to stay overweight.

I think for this challenge to work, our family needs to keep up the discussions.  Hubby and I have gone to the groceries together.  As we are there, we make decisions about what and how much to buy.  After dinner, we, as a family, don't get up from the table right away.  My kids know that I might want to have some kind of discussion with the whole family.
Goal for next week: Cook more dinner meals.
Next week, I will have a bigger challenge.  I'll need to work harder.  I will need to make more dinner meals.  I will eventually need to rev up the shopping to make specific meals.  I need to eat my meat everyday so I usually buy three raw chicken packages and at least two pounds of ground meat to last me one week.   
Recap of week:

1. Reduced junk food intake.

2. Portioned out snacks and cereal.

3. Shopped in my freezer.

4. Made our own desserts.

5. Had family discussions about meal planning.

Thanks for reading my update.  I appreciate any tips and prayers.  I hope to share more tips next week to aid others in this challenge of going without takeout.  Stay tuned!

I've accepted this no-takeout challenge, which began Friday, July 1st to December 31st.  It is not easy, but I know it is worth it.  I want the many benefits that can come from not eating out.  If you want to know more about this challenge, you can visit the SIX Month Money Challenge Facebook page.  If you would like to join, please "like" the page and join the yahoo group that accompanies it, as well.

How about you, my readers?  How often do you buy takeout?  Have you ever tried not buying takeout?  What's the longest you've gone without takeout?  I encourage you to see how you can cut out takeout.  I think it's worth a try.  The benefits are endless.
May God bless you all with His wisdom and peace.

This entry has been part of the Family Fun Fridays series.


  1. what qualifies as "take-out"?

    I think we will be getting frozen pizza at the grocery store tonight.

    But we don;t order Chinese Take Out or Pizza delivered. But we do eat at a restaurant from time to time.

    I made a delicious soup with my oldest son yesterday! It should have been about 6 servings, but he is 6'2" and 17- so it was 4 servings. 2 for me and 2 for him. His 2 servings were HUGE.

  2. Kimberly,

    Last week, we bought frozen pizzas. We've eaten one already. Those are cheaper by far than what is available at the restaurants.

    The no takeout challenge is two fold for me. I want our family to save money. Eventually, I want to eat healthier, too.

    My 15 year-old eats a lot, too. That's why I had to put a stop to his eating all of the Cheerios. I ask him to eat other things.

    Rebecca G.


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